How do you Read Lenormand Card


18/08/2019 10:29
What is the connection between the Lily and the Labyrinth?     To find out the origin of this ancient myth is only possible with Sanskrit language. Without Sanskrit this mythology would remain a secret or a guessing game. The meaning of the Labyrinth is a representation of X Lavarna, (labyrinth) which means sacrifice. In Sanskrit Sacrifice can have positive and negative meaning.   The X derived from Sanskrit hieroglyphic writing, and the  X = T (tau), means balance. The other Sanskrit word relating to the labyrinth is lavarNa, which also called Tau, that is the letter T. Usually, it is portrayed with an X (T),  a representation of the Sun, it is an ancient symbol of Yah-Sus (Yah=high, Sus=frequency i.e. high friquency, the voice of the universe), which word become Jesus and commonly appears in connection with the X, which become the Cross.    Why the X representing sacrifice? Is it because Jesus was crucified?    No....